Who We Are

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The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC was registered under the B.C. Societies Act in March 2003, transforming British Columbia’s provincial hatchery program into a non-profit organization. Under a 30-year contract, the provincial government retained management authority of B.C.’s freshwater fisheries. Fish culture, fish health, and other biological and technical services were transferred to the Society.

Buying your freshwater fishing licence isn’t just a legal requirement – it funds our work.

The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC receives 100% of the revenue generated from fishing licences, helping to fund research, conservation and education programs, improving angler access, and the provincial stocking program.

The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation receives the surcharge revenue collected from angling licence sales to provide grants for fish conservation projects.

Our organization

Hatchery Operations

We own and operate six major fish hatcheries, located in Duncan, Abbotsford, Summerland, Clearwater, Fort Steele, and Vanderhoof. Our hatcheries raise and release trout, char, and kokanee into 800 lakes around the province for the recreational stocking program. The Freshwater Fisheries Society also provides recovery and conservation programs for endangered species, such as white sturgeon.

Most of our hatcheries welcome visitors and offer self-guided tours.

Science and Recreational Fishing Development

The Science and Recreational Fishing Development division provides professional support and leadership for program evaluation, applied research, planning and development. As well, it oversees projects to improve access to fisheries and the delivery of our Learn to Fish program.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services division is based out of Victoria, providing financial, marketing and communication, human resources, and administrative coordination to support the Society’s business.