Native Trout Stewardship Initiative: Call for Proposals
Since established in 2019, the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC’s Native Trout Stewardship Initiative has funded almost 40 local stewardship projects targeting native trout populations. To date, funded projects have been highly successful in restoration, outreach and assessment activities on small streams, many of which are under significant pressures associated with land development and urbanization. The funds have also enabled stewardship groups to leverage resources, build awareness and engage volunteers.
We are pleased to to offer funding for 2025-2026. Proposals were due on December 31, 2024. The Society recognizes the importance of conservation in sustaining quality angling opportunities and protecting native freshwater ecosystems in British Columbia. The Society is a key partner with the Province in the delivery of several aspects of freshwater fish recovery and conservation initiatives. Through the Native Trout Stewardship Initiative, the Society is seeking to broaden its conservation portfolio by engaging members of the public including angling and stewardship organizations to invest resources into native trout.
2025-2026 Funding Year Grants Application Process
Deadline for proposal submission is 4:00 pm on Saturday, December 31, 2024. Please review the Funding Application Requirements, and submit the proposal using the Application Form. Applicants will be informed of funding by March 1, 2025.
Eligible Applicants
Recognized non-government, volunteer-based groups and organizations including First Nations.
Eligible Activities
- Native trout population assessments and monitoring
- Riparian and instream habitat protection and restoration, including barrier removal and flow recovery (on-the-ground or planning activities are eligible)
- Community outreach and education
- Seed funding to support development of large conservation initiatives for native trout
To date, the focus has been on coastal cutthroat trout associated with developed areas of east coast Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland. However, we will also consider projects targeting other native trout species and locations.
Bings Creek Cutthroat Trout Restoration
Background: Native Trout at Risk in B.C.
Native trout across the Pacific Northwest are in decline in many areas for two key reasons: habitat loss/degradation, and introduction of non-native species. British Columbia is no exception. While many streams, rivers, and lakes still support robust wild populations of trout, char, and kokanee, some have suffered significant declines and losses – particularly in and around developed urban centres and areas of concentrated resource extraction. Two trout species native to B.C. (bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout) have been assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) as being at some risk of extinction. The coastal cutthroat trout has also been identified as a high-priority fish for future risk assessment.
Vision for the Native Trout Stewardship Initiative
Wild trout support fantastic angling opportunities, but it is critical that vulnerable populations receive adequate resources for protection and restoration. The Society believes that stewardship must extend beyond traditional government delivery. It is hoped that grant programs, like the Native Trout Stewardship Initiative (NTSI), will help groups that wish to play a more active stewardship role.
The Native Trout Stewardship Initiative is designed to provide grants to support stewardship and angling groups in their efforts to protect and restore wild freshwater fish, the habitats they live in, and the fisheries they provide. See link here for an overview of current projects.
For all information regarding this initiative and proposal applications, please contact:
Sue Pollard
Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC
101 Regatta Landing
Victoria, B.C.
Phone: 1-250-888-2230 Email: [email protected]
Author: Sue Pollard, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC.